Tamarins are New World monkeys.
Tamarins are a marmoset species
that belongs the genus Saguinus
or Leontopithecus.
Tamarin Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Callitrichidae
Genus: Saguinus
Other Names: Lion Monkey,
Lion Marmoset, Leoncita,
Tamarin Monkey in Foreign
Portuguese: Sagui
Spanish: Saki
Turkish: Pembe Maymun
/ Ipek Maymun
Species: There are a wide
variety of species of tamarins.
Some Tamarin
Species Include:
Midas Tamarin
- Saguinus Midas
Black Tamarin - Saguinus
Black-mantled Tamarin
- Saguinus Nigricollis
Graells's Tamarin -
Saguinus Graellsi
Brown-mantled Tamarin
(aka Saddle-back Tamarin)
- Saguinus Fuscicollis
White-mantled Tamarin
- Saguinus Melanoleucus
Golden-mantled Tamarin
- Saguinus Tripartitus
Moustached Tamarin
- Saguinus Mystax
Red-capped Tamarin
- Saguinus Pileatus
White-lipped Tamarin
- Saguinus Labiatus
Emperor Tamarin - Saguinus
Pied Tamarin - Saguinus
Martins' Tamarin -
Saguinus Martinsi
Cottontop Tamarin (aka
Pinche Tamarin) - Saguinus
Geoffroy's Tamarin
- Saguinus Geoffroyi
White-footed Tamarin
- Saguinus Leucopus
Mottle-faced Tamarin
- Saguinus Inustus
Size: Tamarins are 7-12
inches long and weigh 1-2 lbs.
Habitat: Tamarins are found
in tropical rain forests. They are
found in South America.
Description: Different tamarin
species vary considerably in appearance,
ranging from nearly all black through
mixtures of black, brown and white. Mustache-like
facial hairs are typical for many species.
Behavior: Tamarins are diurnal
and arboreal.
Diet: Tamarins eat fruit,
plant shoots, as well as insects,
small vertebrates and bird eggs.
Did You
Tamarin and Marmosets
are very similar in habitat,
diet, and behavior. The
clear difference between
the two is those with a
Tamarin classification have
shorter incisor teeth than
canine teeth.
Gestation: Tamarins carry their
young for approximately 140 days.
Birth: Tamarins typically give
birth to twins. The tamarin father primarily
cares for the young. Tamarins nurse for
the first 2-3 months.
Life Span: Tamarin life spans
vary by species but most tamarins have
an approximate life span of 15 years in
the wild. Hawks, birds of prey, some wild
cat species and snakes are all natural
predators of tamarins.
Social Structure: Tamarins live
in groups of up to 40 members.